Sydney through the ICC

It’s really difficult to choose a single photo for this challenge as it has been quite a year for me. I’ve taken lots of photos in 2017, many of which remain unseen by most eyes due to an inner struggle I have had regarding my social media presence.

My big purchase of the year was my new camera. I decided I needed it after having bought a cool new macro lens which, in turn, highlighted my beloved Lumix GF-1’s shortcomings, including a lack of stabilisation on its body.

I managed to take a bit of time out to play with my new camera and whilst standing in front of the Chinese Gardens at Sydney’s Tumbalong Park, took a photo of the CBD, as seen reflected in the new International Convention Centre.

Sydney from the ICC
Sydney through the ICC

12 thoughts on “Sydney through the ICC

  1. Hi Mario. Interesting photo…but I’m interested in your comment about social media presence too…can I ask what you mean? I’m genuinely curious because I stopped using Facebook a long while back as I realised it was a waste of time due to inane content and friends weren’t really that at all in many cases.

    1. Thanks Graham. I’ve been finding the balance between all the social media I am a part of difficult.

      I have a public Twitter, a private Instagram and Facebook as well as this public forum on WordPress and it’s difficult to decide what goes where.

      Most of my family and friends are on Facebook and a big chunk of them are also on Instagram, so I tend to post day-to-day things there. I’ve been using Google Photos to create albums for family events, but I only share them with those in attendance. I post randomly on Twitter but I generally don’t get much of a response there. I reckon I overthink it, but overall I find it a bit overwhelming and sometimes I want to delete it all and just become a hermit.

      1. I know what you mean! 😄 I only use WordPress nowadays, other than various messaging tools. I find I get more out of engaging about things I’m interested in with people I’ve never met than looking at photos of people’s kids or cats. I guess you have to make a choice about what is most important to you and stick to it. Happy Christmas!

      2. I also use an app called “1 Second Everyday” Where you fill in each calendar day with 1-1.5 seconds of video, and then compile the videos at your leisure. I was compiling them monthly but now have decided to compile them seasonally. Almost finished my first month of summer! I post this one on a Google Photos album, as well as Facebook.

      3. I hate to ask what you manage to do in 1.5secs…the mind boggles…is it a snapshot of the day kind of? Like a little video of a journey perhaps?

      4. Sometimes it’s just a boring shot of work or the trip to or from, but other times I get a bit creative and sometimes I even find that I have multiple seconds to choose from. I love watching them back, and I find it good to commit to doing something like that every single day.

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